Home Remedies
From a RESPECTED colleague Dr.G.Marda
A Brief Overview
Ayurvedic physician Dr. Marda correlates the Covid-19 symptoms with Ayurvedic concepts mentioned in ancient Texts (Charaka, Sushruta). He further suggests preventive measures and simple remedies.
Important: This is NOT meant for diagnosis or treatment of acute cases. People with any of the known symptoms shall primarily consult within their health system. Follow WHO recommendations.
Dr. Gh. Marda is an ayurvedic physician in Pune, India and has traveled extensively in Europe for 20 years. The informations below are extracted from a deeper analysis of the Covid-19. They are meant for people familiar with ayurvedic concepts. If you wish to support his effort to better understand the disease please see at the bottom.
A. Known Covid-19 symptoms:
- Fever
- Persistent cough
- Fatigue or tiredness
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of sense of smell or taste
B. Ayurvedic concepts associated with these symptoms:
- Jwara: fever (dominant symptom) of Vata/Kapha type or all 3 doshas involved
- Kasa: cough and Shwasa: breathing disorders
- Pratishyaya: nasal disorders
- Shosha: degenerative/age related disorders
- Kriyakshayakaratwa: inability to move/act
C. Ayurvedic concepts related to contagion:
- Agantuja hetu: external causative factor affecting all above mentioned conditions
- Transmissible diseases affect primarily Vata dosha (related to transport) which in turn affects Kapha sthana (in newly contaminated cases)
D. Main factors to consider for a line of treatment:
- Jwara
- Vata associated with Kapha
- Pratishyaya and Shosha
E. Suggested line of treatment (prevention/mild symptoms mainly):
- Internally: food, spices, juices and decoctions
- Externally: oil applications, gargling
- Lifestyle: sleep, breathing exercise
F. Supportive remedies (for prevention/mild symptoms):
- Liquid dominant diet: soups (vegetables and/or meat), lentils (dal), cooked with garlic, ginger, coriander.
- Spices: ginger, coriander, turmeric, garlic, pepper, cinnamon, basil etc.
- Juices: sour/sweet fruit juice, ginger juice with honey, honey + pepper + sugar drink, basil and mint juice with honey.
- Decoctions (like tea but ingredients are boiled for a longer period) according to availability: cinnamon, coriander, dry ginger, cardamon, cumin etc. 3–4 times a day.
- If drinking milk: goat or cow, boiled with turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, cardamon (golden milk).
- Application of oil/fat in the nostrils like ghee mixed with cinnamon. Also coconut, almond or olive oil combined with essential oils, camphor etc. (strong smell).
- Self body massage (Abhyanga) with oil like sesame or any oil and possibly mixed with salt for the chest. Take a warm bath or shower afterwards.
- Gargling with salted hot water. Also with turmeric boiled water and salt. Possibly swallow the last gargle or perform oil pulling.
- Sleep early (10 pm), wake up early. Minimum 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Mild breathing exercise such as pranayama/abdominal breathing.
Home Remedies
1. Food
Switch to liquid dominant diet:
- Lentils soup (dal)
- Vegetables soup: aubergine, gourd, zucchini etc.
- Meat soup (instead of solid meat)
Use generously the following spices:
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Coriander
- Optional: turmeric, dry radish.
Eating recommendations:
- Don’t eat until the previous meal is digested (3.5/4h)
- No sleep immediately after meal
- Avoid late dinner
2. Drinks
Pick according to availability. Prepare. Repeat.
- Fresh ginger juice with honey (appetiser or desert). Optional: add mint + basil
- Red orange juice. If possible add carrot, lemon, onion, garlic
- Basil tea with pepper and honey (as a digester)
- Basil juice with sugar and pepper powder
- Golden milk: cow or goat, boil with cardamon, turmeric, cinnamon and dry ginger
- Magic tea: ginger, coriander, cinnamon, celery, clove and basil
Boil ¼ teaspoon of each ingredients with 5 cups of water, reduce to half. Add honey and drink throughout the day.
- Ginger, pepper, thyme, liquorice
- Ginger, pepper, liquorice, cinnamon, cardamon
- Cinnamon, coriander, ginger, cardamon (or cumin), vetiver zinzinoids.
Ginger preferably dry, otherwise fresh. According to availability use min 2-3 ingredients for each formula.
3. External Remedies
Throat gargling
Perform in the morning after getting up, if possible 3-5 times a day.
- Boil briefly 1 glass of water with half teaspoon of turmeric
- Add half teaspoon of salt
- While still warm: rinse out the mouth and gargle in the throat area
- Swallow the last gargle
- Alternatively perform oil pulling (add 1-2 spoon of oil to the above).
Nasal oil application
- Mix 1 teaspoon of oil/ghee with 1 drop of camphor if available (alternatively: cinnamon or mint essential oil)
- Apply 2 times a day on the nasal mucosa.
Note: camphor is unsuitable for epilepsy, pregnant woman especially until first 4/5 months.
Chest massage
- Take any suitable oil such as: sesame, olive, coconut etc.
- Mix with a bit of salt
- Warm up slightly
- Rub or massage on the chest and back area
- Take hot shower/bath or apply local heat
Self body massage:
- Apply warm oil on the body and self massage
- Take hot shower or bath
In case of fever:
As long as there is fever do not perform oil massages.
- Prepare a paste of ginger powder and water
- Apply it on the chest area
- Let it dry a bit and wash off.
4. Lifestyle
- Go to bed early (e.g. 10 pm)
- Get up early
- Minimum 7-8 hours of sleep
Breathing exercises
Practice gentle breathing exercise / Pranayama.
- Lay comfortably on the back
- Bring awareness / apply hand on the abdomen
- Perform abdominal breathing for 10 min
- Let the breathing become regular
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